Catch Bag vs Catch Bucket – Determine which catch method works best for you.
If the Trap is going to be left unattended for any long period of time, we recommend using the mesh catch bag rather than the wet catch bucket. If not topped up weekly, the water in the catch bucket will evaporate and the trap will be less effective.
Using the wet catch bucket method is usually recommended as it has the advantage of humidity enriching the exhaust plume emanating from the base of the trap. “We have lots of the Asian Tiger mosquitoes……After less than one week using only the water container and no scent bars we found hundreds, yes hundreds in the water. This result is beyond anything we expected.” E.Smith. Chelsea, Alabama.
With a bit of soda pop or fruit juice added to the water in the catch bucket, you can create a cocktail beloved by mosquitoes everywhere. That’s because mosquitoes identify nectar/sugar as a source of energy, and adding this to the mix can increase your capture rate.
Here are some custom ‘cocktail’ recipes that trap owners swear gets results:
Home Brew – “I really enjoy experimenting with different “lures”. Polo green cologne and a splash of Mountain Dew work better than anything else I have tried. (And I have tried lots of things).”
R. Jones
Lugoff, South Carolina
“We’re using the wet catch bucket, with a bit of soap and some lemon lime soda. We have nothing but wooded/wetlands area behind our house, so I placed the trap just short of where that starts. It’s about 50 feet from the house.
Do understand there are plenty of mosquitoes to go around at this time of year. One step outside and they’re all over you. But for some reason, it feels good to know that the trap is killing so many beyond that… fewer to lay eggs in the future!”
S. Decatur
Merritt Island, FL
“Apart from being efficient, low maintenance traps, the design – allowing the owner to service them yourself – is brilliant…. I use wet containers with a couple of drops of Fairy dishwashing liquid plus a teaspoon of fructose sugar.”
B. Airas
10900 Hanko